“The kingdom of heaven is likened to a king, who made a marriage for his son, and he sent his servants to call them that were invited to the marriage; and they would not come.” The King of course is God our Father and the son, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. God invites all men to the great banquet of the divine nuptials at which they will find their salvation; but submerged in the materialism of the earthly things, they reject the invitation and the messengers.
God’s mercy is so great that it cannot be vanquished; He still invites all men to His feast, and even offers this divine Son whom they have killed, to be their Food in the most Holy Eucharist. The banquet is prepared; Jesus, the divine Lamb has been immolated for the redemption of mankind and, if many fail to accept the invitation, others will be invited. “The marriage indeed is ready, but they that were invited were not worthy. Go ye therefore into the highways, and as many as you shall find, call to the marriage.” We too have been invited. How have we responded to the invitation? Have we not also shown more interest and concern for earthly matters than for the things of God? Have we not been like the men in the parable who neglected, and went their way, one to his farm, and another to his merchandise? (MT 22:1-14) “O Lord, this is what you say to my soul: ‘Why are you so far away from Me, detained by useless pursuits? Why do you not hasten to prepare a beautiful wedding garment? I suffered death to take you from My spouse. I became man for you, to preserve your life from corruption, I preferred your salvation before all My works. I prepared a nuptial couch for you in heaven, and I commanded the angels to serve you. Would you despise Me, your heavenly Spouse? And whom would you prefer to Me, who in My mercy saved the whole human race? What father could give you life as I have? What father or what spouse can love you as much as I?” “O my God, what shall I answer You?” “Pardon me, save me, O patient, long-suffering Lord! Save me, O Christ, Son of God, who alone are without sin! Grant that my heart may have no desire but to respond to Your invitations, and that with the help of Your grace, I may always do Your will, and be prompt and willing to carry out Your orders, so that, with the talents I have received from You, I may be able to trade and acquire the good things of Your kingdom.” - Divine Intimacy A note about receiving communion. There are two acceptable ways in which to receive our Lord. FIRST: You may receive on the tongue. Please open your mouth and stick your tongue out so that the Lord may be placed on your tongue. Do not open your mouth and bite down, or simply open your mouth. Don’t be afraid to stick your tongue out so the Lord may be placed on your tongue. SECOND: You may receive in the hand. Place one hand on top of the other. Your hands should be laying flat. Do NOT make a cup and do not move your hands. Your hands should be extended in front of your chest. Do not raise your hands up in the air. Do not attempt to put your thumb on top of the Lord. I’ve never seen Him jump out of anyone’s hands. Do NOT attempt to grab the Lord out of the hands of the one offering communion. Remember you are RECEIVING communion not taking it . . . allow them to place the Lord into your hands. Following these simple guidelines will prevent an accident where the Lord is dropped on the floor during communion. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask. Have a very blessed week! Fr. Mark
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AuthorFather Mark Groeger is the Parish Administrator of Prince of Peace Church in Northern Cambria, PA. Archives
July 2022
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