Get regular updates on what's going on at Prince of Peace
Recently, our diocese purchased a subscription to "Flocknote" a messaging system for parishes. We'll be using this Flocknote system to keep everyone in the loop on what's going on as well as asking for volunteer help. Flocknote sends a quick text message to parishioners letting them know that something new is happening, something has been rescheduled or cancelled, we need volunteer help with something, or just to share regular devotionals. You can sign up for whichever notices you like so that we're only sending you the things you're interested in.
If you'd like to sign up to be notified, take a look at the various lists & descriptions to the right. You're welcome to sign up for any or all of them. Sign up using the box below or click here
You'll be prompted when you sign up to choose which lists you'd like to subscribe to! You can also text POPNC to 84576 to sign up! |
Current ListsParish Notices: