Religious Education Registration for the 24-25 Academic Year is under way. The last day to register is August 30th. Forms are available in the back of the Church and Chapel and may be picked up after Mass. Forms will not be mailed or on the website. Any registration received after this date will incur an increased registration fee. The parish does NOT set the registration fees. We receive a bulk registration rate, and any individual registration (after the deadline) is at a higher individual registration rate. The parish does NOT assess a late fee. Please get your registrations completed and in on time.
As has been the case for the previous year, classes will be twice a month on Sunday’s beginning October 6. Parents MUST attend the first class with their children. An information packet will be provided at that time which will include a tentative schedule for the year. Please note changes to the schedule may be necessary and we ask for your understanding and cooperation.
Please remember that part of your promise and obligation as parents is bringing up your children in the faith. That involves more than just sending them to religious education. It means bringing them to Mass each Sunday. For those who have children in sacramental years (First Holy Communion and Confirmation) your children cannot receive a sacrament while they are not in a state of grace (being in a state of mortal sin occurs each time we miss Mass). Please do not break the covenant you made with God twice (once at your wedding and again at their baptism) and bring your children to Mass.
Religious Education Registration for the 24-25 Academic Year is under way. The last day to register is August 30th. Forms are available in the back of the Church and Chapel and may be picked up after Mass. Forms will not be mailed or on the website. Any registration received after this date will incur an increased registration fee. The parish does NOT set the registration fees. We receive a bulk registration rate, and any individual registration (after the deadline) is at a higher individual registration rate. The parish does NOT assess a late fee. Please get your registrations completed and in on time.
As has been the case for the previous year, classes will be twice a month on Sunday’s beginning October 6. Parents MUST attend the first class with their children. An information packet will be provided at that time which will include a tentative schedule for the year. Please note changes to the schedule may be necessary and we ask for your understanding and cooperation.
Please remember that part of your promise and obligation as parents is bringing up your children in the faith. That involves more than just sending them to religious education. It means bringing them to Mass each Sunday. For those who have children in sacramental years (First Holy Communion and Confirmation) your children cannot receive a sacrament while they are not in a state of grace (being in a state of mortal sin occurs each time we miss Mass). Please do not break the covenant you made with God twice (once at your wedding and again at their baptism) and bring your children to Mass.