Livestream Mass Resources
Livestreaming Access Help
If you would like to join us on your TV . . .
Roku - If you don't have a SmartTV, this is the easiest option, just install the Youtube App and search for popnc! (Unfortunately Facebook does not work with Roku) If you're looking to buy one a "Roku Express" costs less than $30 Chromecast: If you have a chromecast, it's as simple as tapping the chromecast button on your phone or tablet. Apple TV, Android TV, Amazon Firestick: Install the Youtube or Facebook app from the online store. From that app, you should be able to navigate to Prince of Peace's Facebook Page. From there, you should be able to view the mass on your TV. Computer/Phone/Tablet: You do NOT need a Facebook/YouTube account to view the mass on a Computer, Phone or Tablet. Just click the respective button on our homepage. |
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Thanks to our new license with, we are able to share with you printouts of the hymns for each Sunday for use during Mass.
The Hymns are now included in our weekly bulletin, check them out over there |